ALLERGOLOGES drops, 50 ml
Field of use
Allergo Loges drops (pack size: 50 ml) contains a special complex from the six most important homeopathic allergy ingredients.
This relieves Allergo Loges (pack size: 50 ml) particularly quickly the allergy symptoms in hay fever (pollen allergy), house dust or food allergies.
Allergy symptoms can be particularly diverse, such as the fabrics they trigger. This includes symptoms such as: nieß attacks, reddened eyes, itchy skin, shortness of breath and running nose.
Mode of action
Allergo Loges drops (pack size: 50 ml) contains a finely coordinated, unique combination of homeopathic active ingredients. These include: sponge cucumber, small golden rain, ants, anthrop, honeybee, heart seeds and water tables.
This combination helps to improve all typical allergic complaints.
Active ingredients / ingredients / ingredients
40 mg Centella Asiatica (Hom./anthr.)
40 mg Luffa Operculata (Hom./anthr.)
33 mg acidum formicicum (hom./anthr.)
33 mg apis mellifica (hom./anthr.)
33 mg Thryallis Glauca (Hom./anthr.)
8 mg cardiospermum halicacabum (hom./anthr.)
Ethanol Hedge substance (+)