Agnus Hevert feminine drops, 100ml
Homeopathic medicine for menstrual disorders
In addition to physical discomfort during menstruation, hormonal fluctuations often also affect mood. Irritability, nervousness and depression are typical, regularly recurring side effects.
Physical and mental symptoms of menstrual disorders:
Water retention in the body
Fatigue, fatigue, symptoms of exhaustion
Gastrointestinal complaints
Cramps in the abdomen
Headache and back pain
Cravings or loss of appetite
Painful pulling in the breasts/extreme sensitivity to touch – called mastodynia
increased sensitivity to stimuli (light, touch, noise, smell, time and work pressure)
Mood swings
Lack of motivation or overactivity
Irritability or aggressiveness
The components of Agnus Hevert femin, which complement each other in their effectiveness, influence the hormonal change in a gentle way, restore the hormonal balance, relieve the accompanying symptoms, help with period pain and have a positive effect on the psyche.
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Price of Agnus Hevert feminine drops, 100ml
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