ALPA Francovka Alcoholic solution 1000 ml


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for inhalation – inhaling ALPA frankincense essential oils brings relief from colds, flu, catarrh, colds, breathing problems in smoky rooms.
when relieving general fatigue after extreme stress on the body
for sprains, sprains and bumps – rub into painful areas
after physical activity or sports performances
for disinfection of minor abrasions and wounds
for reflex massage for rheumatic muscle pain
as a bath refresher
after dilution with water for compresses
after dilution with water to rinse mouth
for mouth rinse
very effective for all oral infections, bleeding gums, bad breath, loose teeth and periodontal diseases, breath freshener and gargle
for skin care after shaving
after diluting with water in the form of lotion
for removing makeup residues, powders and creams
cleanse the skin
for toothache – drop ALPA powder onto a cotton swab and apply it to the painful tooth.
for headaches – drop French ALPA oil on the back of the head, on the temples and rub into the skin; for severe pain – you can use a poultice
if your feet sweat, take a foot bath in warm water with the addition of ALPA francs
while driving, refreshingly rub your temples and neck with a few drops of ALPA incense.
Important Note

Product properties

Weight 1,1 kg



ALPA a.s.








ALPA Francovka Alcoholic solution;Dentistry;Preparations against periodontosi;Solution

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