ARCYHERB Wrośniak variegated 50g Standardized Polysaccharides | Coriolus,ARCYHERB Wrośniak barwny 50g Standaryzowane Polisacharydy | Coriolus
ARCYHERB variegated wrośniak 50 g Standardized | E-Book Free!
Variegated wrośniak 50 g
ARCY HERBS Variegated wrośnia (Trametes versicolor)
a mushroom from the Ascidaceae family. Source of polysaccharides (including alpha, beta-glucans), proteins, protein-polysaccharide complexes (PSK, PSP), triterpenes, polyphenols, zinc, iron and copper minerals.
Wrośniak variegated action
The ingredients of Wrośniak variegated reduce antioxidant stress, strongly strengthen the immune system, stimulate the development of lymphocytes and “natural killer” cells, and support the treatment of chronic diseases.
They have a probiotic effect, help restore and maintain the balance of intestinal bacterial flora (Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus), and reduce the number of undesirable bacteria (Clostrydium Sthapylococcus).
They have anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antibacterial properties, reduce fungal infections (Candidia), regenerate mucous membranes and the liver, and stabilize sugar levels.
They strengthen the body, improving efficiency and vitality.