ASS ratiopharm 100 mg TAH tablets, 100


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ASS-ratiopharm® 100 mg TAH keeps the vessels patent
Human blood contains blood platelets (thrombocytes), which, with the help of coagulation factors, accumulate on open wounds and securely close them with a clot. If there are deposits of lime or fat in the arteries and factors that promote clotting predominate in the blood, then such a clot (a so-called blood clot) can also form there, block the vessels or migrate to the heart or brain and trigger a heart attack there.

Platelet aggregation inhibitors (TAH) prevent the fatal clot formation in the vessels by intervening in the cascade-like process of clumping.

Application recommendations
The preparation is suitable for patients: with unstable angina pectoris (circulatory disorders in the coronary arteries)
with an acute heart attack or to prevent another one.
Heart attack after one that has already occurred
after surgical interventions on arterial blood vessels
to prevent temporary lack of blood flow in the brain and cerebral infarctions after precursor stages have occurred

Product properties

Weight 0,2 kg



ratiopharm GmbH








ASS-ratiopharm;Heart, vessels and blood;Non prescription

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