Grimberg Actisoufre Cold Rhinitis Rhinopharyngitis spray or vials,Grimberg Actisoufre Rhume Rhinite Rhinopharyngite spray ou ampoules
For warnings, precautions for use, and contraindications, refer to the instructions for use of this over-the-counter medication.
This very gentle cleansing solution helps reduce inflammation of the nasal mucosa and promotes the removal of heavy secretions, especially in chronic or recurrent upper respiratory tract diseases.
The purpose of actisoufre is twofold: it is equated to a hygienic gesture; its spraying by microdiffusion moisturizes and cleanses the nasal mucosa. It also helps reduce inflammatory conditions of the upper respiratory tract.
Rinotherm, equipped with a non-invasive nozzle, makes it easier to remove nasal secretions in children who do not yet know how to blow their nose. This sulfur-rich nasal solution is designed to reduce ENT inflammation.
The hereditary properties of sulfur have never changed over the years, especially in terms of improving respiration, which thus optimizes the oxygenation of the body.