Health Garden, All Natural Monk Fruit Sweetener, Golden Sweetener, 16 oz (453 g),Health Garden, All Natural Monk Fruit Sweetener, goldener Süßstoff, 453 g (16 oz.)

Problems: Diabet, Good health


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While we focus on the details at Health Garden, we also recognize that we are part of something much bigger. Our driving force is to simply make the world a better place. We do this by offering the highest quality all-natural, low glycemic sugar substitutes. It’s a small gesture that brings health and satisfaction to our customers every day.
Monk fruit sweetener is derived from the juice of a subtropical melon that has been cultivated in Asia for centuries for its health benefits and delicate sweetness. We combined monk fruit extract with erythritol for the perfect sweetness that has no impact on glycemic value! Health Garden Monk Fruit is suitable for keto dieters, children with ADHD and diabetics. Golden monk fruit sweetener caramelizes like sugar, making it perfect for cooking, baking, sauces and glazes.

Product properties

Weight 0,5 kg




Health Garden






Health Garden, All Natural Monk Fruit Sweetener;Food;Gluten free