MD MATRIX, in the fight against obesity, cellulite and orange peel – 10 ampoules


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MD-MATRIX is a new product from the Medical Devices line, developed by GUNA to help women fight obesity, cellulite and orange peel.

Collagen is a key component of connective tissue. Her lethargy, atrophy and intoxication are the main causes of the above problems and affect 90% of women over 30 years of age. and several men.

Obesity and cellulite are the result of many intersecting factors such as poor diet, lack of exercise, tension and stress.

All these factors cause poor tissue oxygenation and accumulation of unnecessary substances. When the system for removing metabolic waste begins to fail, they accumulate in the connective tissue, which leads to the accumulation of fluid. The result – “orange peel”, and then cellulite.

Fat cells (adipocytes) and accumulated fluid compress and deform the connective tissue, destroy collagen fibers and block the flow of blood and lymph. In more severe cases, swollen tissues can compress pain receptors (nociceptors), causing pain.

Based on knowledge of physiological processes, Guna Laboratories has created
MD-MATRIX is an innovative formula that helps reduce obesity and cellulite by acting on multiple levels.

The main ingredient is collagen, which maintains, maintains and restores the natural collagen fibers of the connective tissue. MD-MATRIX can be injected directly into specific areas for mechanical tissue repair. To create an even more effective formula, Guna Laboratories has enriched its preparation with two of the most important excipients: citric acid and nicotinamide. These molecules are not usually included in other similar collagen formulas, although they are very important. Citric acid, in particular, is important for reactivating cellular metabolism by stimulating the production of ATP. Nicotinamide, which belongs to the extremely important group of B vitamins, is involved in many metabolic processes. It is also a strong antioxidant that promotes tissue oxygenation.

In addition, the innovative injectable form allows the doctor to work directly on specific areas of the skin and achieve greater effectiveness and expected results.

Mode of application
Treatment protocol:

The first 2 weeks, 2 procedures per week, then 1 procedure per week until a satisfactory result is achieved (average 8-10 sessions). It is possible to continue treatment: 1 course for 10 weeks. In case of chronic changes: continue treatment once a week for a month until satisfactory results are obtained, then 1 procedure per month.

Intradermal technique:
Disinfect the treated skin area. puncture depth 1-3 mm, about. preparation for 1 puncture – 0.2-0.3 ml per treated area.

Indications for the treatment of pain:
MD-MATRIX: Can be used as a standalone treatment or in combination with other COLLAGEN MEDICAL DEVICES to tailor treatment according to clinical improvement.

MD-MATRIX is a medical device used to facilitate movement by reducing the physiological degeneration of joints and tissues and balancing any damage caused by:

aging processes,
posture defects,
comorbidities, chronic diseases,
strokes and injuries

environment. MD-MATRIX is a medical device that improves mobility. preventing the processes of physiological aging occurring in the matrix of the articular tissue. The main therapeutic effects include:

1. Barrier effect
2. Lubricant
action 3. Mechanical support with the introduction of other medicinal pharmacological substances.

MD-MATRIX is a medical device that can be used by qualified personnel in private and public healthcare settings to:

Strengthening the tissue matrix in which collagen is located.
Act as a protective barrier against free radicals.

How to use:
Treatment protocol:

2 treatments in the first 2 weeks, 1 treatment per week until symptoms improve (average 8-10 sessions). Treatment can be continued with one treatment every week for up to 10 weeks. In case of chronic pathologies: continue treatment with 1 treatment per week for 1 month until symptoms improve, then 1 treatment once a month.

Method of intradermal administration: the puncture site must be sterile; insert the needle to a depth of 1–3 mm and inject 0.2–0.3 ml into the affected areas.
Periarticular method of administration: the injection site must be sterile; insert the needle near the joint at different depths.

Preparation for injection:
For this purpose, the following materials and devices are recommended:

Materials for aseptic preparation of the skin surface: sterile gloves, iodine solution, alcohol solution, sterile swabs, skin spray with ethyl chloride.
Needles: size 27, sterile 4 mm.
Syringes: size 5 or 10 ml, depending on the volume of the injected solution.

Contraindications / Side effects
Cases of hypersensitivity to MD-MATRIX are unknown. However, patients with known hypersensitivity to any of the ingredients of the drug should be examined before use by local injection in the arm, and then observed for 1 hour.

Warnings and Precautions
Slight redness around the puncture site may be due to the mechanical impact of the needle or a superficial skin reaction.
Skin cleaning/disinfection is necessary before and after injection. Saprophytic bacteria can cause an abscess to form around the puncture site.


Do not use after the expiration date. The expiration date applies to products properly stored in unopened packaging. Once opened, use the product immediately.

The contents of the vial / ampoule must be administered immediately after opening.
The package contains sterile STERILE vials/ampoules.Measures
Storage: Protect from sunlight and freezing.
Storage and use conditions: 2C – 30C.
Recommendations in case of damage to sterile vials/ampoules.
Do not use if seal is open or vial/ampoule is not completely sealed.

Product properties

Weight 0,3 kg



Ambra Group



