NeuraxBiotic Zen, 30

Problems: Autism, Stress


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NeuraxBiotic Zen Dietary Supplement is a psychobiotic containing specialized
lactic acid bacteria: Lactobacillus plantarum DR7 (patent protected strain only present in NeuraxBiotic Zen) and magnesium.
Clinical study proves that Lactobacillus plantarum DR7 relieves symptoms
stress and improves the emotional well-being of adults.
PSYCHOBIOTS are probiotic bacteria
, which when consumed in appropriate amounts
have a beneficial effect. Well-being and, in particular, STRESS can be regulated by the action of these psychobiotic bacteria.
Gut-brain axis.
Neurotransmitters, other bacterial metabolites, interact with each other bidirectionally along the gut-brain axis.
Chronic stress and high levels of the so-called “stress hormone” cortisol in the blood are associated with a low diversity of bacteria.

Product properties

Weight 0,2 kg






Natural Medicine;‎Autism;Stress

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