Vortex Complex L Ho-Fu-Complex drops, 30ml


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Important information (mandatory information):

Vortex Complex L, Ho-Fu Complex, mixture. Active ingredients: Aesculus Dil. D6, Arnica Dil. D3, Calcium fluoratum Dil. D10, Calcium phosphoricum Dil. D8, Rhus toxicodendron Dil. D6, Silicea Dil. D8. Areas of application: The areas of application are derived from the homeopathic drug images. These include: Improvement in pain caused by lumbago (lumbago). Warning: Contains 50% alcohol by volume!

Source: Information in the package insert
as of: 11/2022

Ingredients: water, ethanol
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Product properties

Weight 0,1 kg



Pharma Liebermann


Delto-cyl L


Ap- 01742838




Vortex ;Homeopathy;Bones and joints