Aspirinaact 800 Mg/480 Mg – 10

Categories: Non prescription, Pain


In stock

Key aspects of Aspirinaact 800 mg/480 mg – 10 Effervescent Tablets include:

Pain Relief and Fever Reduction: Aspirin is well-known for its analgesic (pain-relieving) and antipyretic (fever-reducing) properties. It is used to alleviate various types of pain and reduce elevated body temperature in cases of fever.
Vitamin C Supplementation: Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) is an essential nutrient that plays a role in immune system function and overall health. Effervescent tablets combining aspirin and vitamin C provide a convenient way to supplement vitamin C intake while addressing pain and fever.
Effervescent Form: These tablets are effervescent, which means they dissolve in water, creating a fizzy solution that can be easily consumed.
Over-the-Counter: Aspirinaact 800 mg/480 mg is typically available over-the-counter without a prescription in many regions.
Recommended Dosage: The appropriate dosage should be determined based on the individual’s age, medical condition, and specific needs, following the instructions provided on the product label.

Product properties

Weight 0,1 kg







AP- FRCM180482




buy Aspirinaact 800 Mg/480 Mg – 10 Effervescent Tablets ;Acute pain; Chronic pain; Skin pain; Somatic pain

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