GymBeam Articular Drink Orange 390 g


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Articular Drink and its active ingredients

– Collagen peptides RunCollg – patented formula of enzymatically hydrolyzed collagen with vitamin C. Collagen forms the structure of bones and joints, ligaments, cartilage and skin. It nourishes the joints, improves mobility, prevents the aging of the joints and relieves their pain. In order to achieve the highest possible usability, the collagen underwent a hydrolysis process. Hydrolyzed collagen is therefore a mixture of proteins – small amino acids that are quickly absorbed into the bloodstream and help formulate new collagen in the body.

– Glucosamine – is an amino acid that occurs naturally in the body and is the basic building block of joint cartilage. It is necessary for the proper functioning of the joints and contributes to their protection from damage. It also prevents joint pain and inflammation, and gives flexibility and elasticity to cartilage and tendons.

– MSM (methylsulfonylmethane) – is an organic compound necessary for the health of all tissues in the body. It significantly increases the health of the joints, their flexibility and mobility, relieves inflammation, swelling and reduces pain. It also supports the production of collagen and vitamins C, H, B5 and B12.

Product properties

Weight 0,5 kg







Ap- 8588006751697




Joints, bones, muscles; For adults

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