Octenisept, liquid for the skin, 50 ml (atomizer)


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when developing clean and washing infected surgical wounds;
with the development of infected burn wounds and trophic ulcers;
when washing abscesses of the skin, subcutaneous tissue, perianal abscesses infected with hematomas, etc.;
when caring for postoperative wounds and sutures;
in the reproductive organs of a woman, for example, inflammation of the vagina and glans penis in men;
before diagnostic procedures in the urinary system;
during catheterization;
before vaginal and extravaginal examinations;
during classes before, during and after childbirth;
for postoperative and postpartum washings of the vagina before the introduction of the IUD;
before activities related to artificial insemination;
before andrological tests;
in pediatrics;
for disinfection of the oral cavity, for example, aphthae, resection of teeth.

Product properties

Weight 0,1 kg






Natural Medicine;Scratches;Inflammation;Wound;Disinfection;Mycosis;Abrasions;Irritation

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