Triad H, 20, Триаде H


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Triade H is a complementary and synergistic formula with bioflavonoids and vitamin C to help supplement these nutrients in times of need.

Venous congestion associated with certain conditions (prolonged standing, sedentary lifestyle, obesity, sudden temperature changes, excessive proximity to heat sources, contraceptive use, menopause) affects venous-capillary permeability, as well as microvascular and tissue homeostasis.

The product contains vitamin C, which promotes the formation of collagen in the saphenous (superficial) veins and vessels of the hemorrhoidal plexus, supporting their proper functioning.

Dosage and method of administration
Take 1 sachet per day, dissolved in half a glass of water, after the main meal.

For acute hemorrhoids, take during the first 3 days: 1 sachet, dissolved in half a glass of water, after each of the three main meals; over the next 2 days: 1 sachet dissolved in half a glass of water after each of the two main meals; during the remaining 7 days: 1 sachet dissolved in half a glass of water after each of the two main meals. Then 1 tablet per day of the Triad for at least two months.

Read the manufacturer’s instructions for use.
Active Ingredients
Diosmin – 300 mg
Troxerutin – 300 mg
Hesperidin – 300 mg
Vitamin C – 12 mg

Product properties

Weight 0,3 kg









Триаде H;Heart, vessels and blood

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