Viridian Calcium Magnesium with Zinc 100 


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Chelating agent and energy metabolism

Why is malic acid and vitamin used in the supplement? Together, calcium, magnesium and zinc form a synergistic combination to support bone health. But what is malic acid and vitamin C for? It’s simple – malic acid works in the stomach as a so-called chelating agent. It reacts with inorganic forms of minerals (oxides and carbonates) and breaks their inorganic bonds. Subsequently, it either creates a new organic compound called malate, or allows inorganic substances to chelate with another available organic component, such as citric acid, which is also in the product.

The calcium carbonate contained in the supplement has an absorbability of around 4-5%. After adding malic acid, the absorbability increases to approx. 30-40%. The content of minerals in both chelated (organic) and inorganic form is therefore intentional – thanks to the use of a chelating agent, the oxide forms have excellent absorbability (whereas in low-quality products they are contained by themselves and therefore have very little absorbability).

Malic acid has one more property that enriches the effect of the entire supplement – its properties are related to delaying fatigue, energy metabolism and increased absorption of magnesium. The result is ideal support for fatigue and fatigue syndrome.

The properties of the vitamin are related to the synthesis of collagen, which is one of the building blocks of bones, ligaments and tendons. L-ascorbic acid is also able to bind with calcium to form calcium ascorbate, an absorbable form of calcium.

The product is suitable

Product properties

Weight 0,2 kg



Viridian nutrition






Vitamins; Calcium; For adults

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