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Effects of tincture 017 Toxin removal according to TČM:

clears Re (heat) and removes Du (toxin)

clears Feng Re (wind heat)

regulates Tai Yang and Yang Ming when attacked by wind

YaoMedica alcohol tinctures are based on Chinese herbs and mushrooms. To achieve maximum efficiency, only the highest quality raw material is used. The mechanism of release of active substances during maceration in 50% alcohol is much more intense compared to herbal decoctions or hot water extracts. When using tinctures, active substances are released already in the oral cavity, which contributes to higher effectiveness.

Dosage: it is good to shake the tincture before use. Slight cloudiness is normal. the daily dose is 1 drop per 1 kg of body weight. Divide the daily dose into two parts – morning and evening. That is if you weigh, for example, 70 kg, you take 35 drops in the morning and 35 drops in the evening. Then the tincture will last for about 15 days. after consultation with a specialist, you can give up to three times the dose of the tincture, take it on an empty stomach. The minimum interval is 30 minutes before a meal or one hour after it. the tincture can be poured with a little hot water and this will cause the alcohol to evaporate. This procedure is suitable for children or drivers. for acute conditions we recommend using tinctures usually for a few days, usually for chronic conditions it usually takes a few months to resolve the problem. However, within 2-3 months there should be at least an improvement. for one month you usually need 2-3 packages (according to the daily dose – see above) Package contents: 50ml = 1100 drops.

Warning: Not intended for children, pregnant and lactating women. It does not serve as a substitute for a varied and balanced diet. Follow a healthy lifestyle. Do not exceed the recommended daily dosage. Store out of the reach of children at a temperature of up to 25 °C. It does not contain any additives. Any turbidity or clot is not a problem.

Product properties

Weight 0,15 kg





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